7 reasons to forget about yoga and go to a monastery

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7 reasons to forget about yoga and go to a monastery

Orthodoxy and yoga including https://www.julianalucky.com/post/spectra-breast-pump are two paths of spiritual development. This humorous article will prove to you why an Orthodox monastery is better than a yoga class.

In Orthodoxy, the rejection of meat and fish products occurs only during fasting, while true yogis do not eat fish and meat at all.
The monk does not need to worry about clothes – each of them is given the same clothes. And a yogi has to buy clothes on his own and create his own style.
To achieve enlightenment, a monk does not need to exercise. A yogi will have to shed liters of sweat by performing complex asanas on a rug.
It is easier for a monk to observe brahmacharya, because in a monastery it is customary to walk in closed clothes. And in yoga, you can often find girls in short shorts and guys in tight-fitting T-shirts, which makes it difficult to fulfill the vow of abstinence.
It is enough for a monk to learn the Bible. And yogis have at least 5 obligatory texts to read.
Church candles practically do not smell. But incense and incense sticks, which are actively used by yogis, have a pronounced smell. That is not always to the taste of natures with a keen sense of smell.
When all the vows are fulfilled, the monk goes to heaven. A yogi is forced to endlessly run along the wheel of samsara, experiencing thousands of rebirths.
