How to help your child learn

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How to help your child learn

Parents should remember first and foremost that a child is an individual, each born with his or her own personal characteristics that do not repeat. Therefore, what is good for one child may be completely unacceptable for another. Only parents can fully know their child. They study it from the first days of its existence and together they find the most favorable ways of parenting.

A particularly difficult period for many parents comes when the child goes to school and asks about definition of cognates.

What do you need to know to help your child learn in school?

In no case can not do anything for him. You need to teach him how to learn properly, teach him the necessary study skills and then guide and organize his actions.

1. The very first and main thing that parents should direct their attention to is cultivating in the child a sense of responsibility for what he does. If the child has this sense, it is the key to success in learning and life.

2. Fostering a sense of responsibility is inseparable from the ability to see things through to the end.

3. Listen carefully to your child’s thoughts and feelings.

4. Do not intimidate the child.

Don’t set any conditions. This teaches the child to study only for the sake of something. The desire to learn should be a constant necessity for him or her. Learning for fear of being punished leads to a child developing an aversion to learning and school.

If a child does not want to do homework or says that he is not interested in learning, then we need to look for problems that he has and prevent him from understanding the material being studied. If time does not help, the problems will only accumulate, and then the moment when no more threats will not make him sit down for lessons.

The child should constantly feel that you believe in him and you can help him at any moment.

5. Do not scold your child for bad grades. It is very important to appreciate the knowledge. Often the school marks do not reflect the real knowledge of students. Better check out the

The child is scolded for mistakes. All of his mistakes come from a lack of knowledge and skills, or from a lack of understanding. If he lacks knowledge, it is necessary to give it to him. If he doesn’t understand something, it is the adults’ fault, for not being able to properly build the child’s learning process.

6. Find a way to interest your child in learning, let it bring him joy.

We have to get the child interested in learning. It is very useful to talk to him or her as an equal, as if advising.

Encourage your child to think and reason about his homework and his ability to do it. Then he has a desire to test his abilities, which means he will do his homework.

Praise your child if he deserves it. Show him that he is capable of much and you believe in his strength. This will inspire him to new achievements.

Exclude from your communication with your child insults like “dummy”. Otherwise he may believe you.

7. You need to encourage every little and big achievement of your offspring. The fact is that especially at the age of 6-10 years, children are oriented to the reaction of adults. They are very responsive to praise or censure of parents, the teacher, trying to draw attention to themselves, to feel needed and loved (good). Therefore, for fathers and mothers and grandparents, this is a real lever to maintain and increase interest in school and learning.

Everyone from small to large knows about the harm of watching TV shows and playing “computer games” for a long time. It is possible to make this integral and beloved by almost all children part of our life as a way to encourage success and achievement. All the more so because the duties of a schoolboy require a lot of strength, time and health.

8. In order that besides external attributes of school life (a schoolbag, notebooks, textbooks, etc.) there should be an internal feeling of transition to a new quality of “pupil”, it is necessary to have adults treat entering school as a responsible, serious step of a child (“you are now a pupil, a big boy, you have new, serious duties”). Of course, your child will continue to play with dolls and cars, but you need to set them up to “grow up. And these are not only new duties, but also new opportunities, more difficult tasks and a certain independence. Control is necessary (the degree of its manifestation is the competence of each parent), but still try to give your first-grader the opportunity to “grow up” in his or her sense of the world, to feel older.

9. Every person should have his own space. If a child does not have his own room, it is necessary to organize a workplace – a desk, where he will do his serious business – study. It is also good from the point of view of observance of hygiene rules – correct seating, allowing to keep the posture, necessary lighting.

10. The daily routine deserves special attention. It is important to distribute the time of study and rest properly, since the cause of problems with learning, behavior is increased fatigue, inability to concentrate for a long time.

Please, dear parents, do not overdo your homework. Children at the age of 6-7 years should do no more than half an hour, then you need to take a break for at least 15 minutes.

It is important to help the child by dealing with his problems every day, encouraging him if he fails, and praising him for his successes.

Remember, the child is a blank slate that we have to fill. And the image of the future personality depends on how we do this.

The ability to focus his attention

Many parents know that a young child is not able to do their schoolwork or chores for a long time, they can’t concentrate for long when doing their homework. This is not a reason to worry and in no case you should not try to find any abnormalities in this condition of the child. Such problems at this age are completely natural. Many parents worry about the inability of the child to sit in one place without getting up and being distracted by any subject of interest, all of this interferes with the normal absorption of school work, the development of assiduity and efficiency. This can often be easily avoided. It can be caused by excessive physical and mental stress on the child, perhaps he or she does not sleep enough or rest enough, he or she may have stressful situations during the day, schoolwork takes up too much of his or her time.

Speech Development

Parents can also help their children’s speech development by pronouncing words correctly and discovering the full range of linguistic possibilities. Be sure to correct your child’s mispronunciation and speech errors.

Speaking skills a child should have before entering school:

1. Correctly pronounce words that are familiar to him.

2. Speak freely, fluently, pronouncing all words clearly. He should be able to speak louder or quieter depending on the situation.

3. Can express his thoughts in short connected sentences and tell short stories.

4. Can answer simple questions about the content of a story or story read or a children’s film watched.

5. Can formulate questions if he/she doesn’t understand something.

6. Know by heart a short poem and be able to put accents in a sentence correctly.

Don’t worry if your child does not have all of these oral skills yet. Anything he doesn’t know or can’t speak yet, he will learn at school.

How to teach your child to listen

There is only one way to teach your child to listen (to absorb information by ear), to teach what they will be doing for at least another 10 years in school:

– A preschool-age child needs to read a lot (but not comics with a minimum of text).

– Another way (easier for parents, but doesn’t eliminate parental reading ) is audio tapes.

– It is important to pay attention to what is dubbed. It is desirable that the children’s home collection is dominated by the classics. Equally important is which actors and studio voiced the text.

– If the child is hard to listen to, he quickly gets tired and distracted, it is better to start by taking records where the text is interspersed with music and songs so that the baby can rest and move around.

The development of speech, literacy, imagination directly depends on the richness of the child’s language environment. It is possible to help make it so, including with the help of good children’s audio.
