How to motivate your child to do well in school

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How to motivate your child to do well in school

Children motivated to study is the dream of every parent. Working with children’s motivation at first is difficult: many listen to the advice of a psychologist, some use the trial and error method. Unfortunately, even under these conditions, practice shows that the number of kids who have no desire to learning different types of adverb clauses in school is constantly growing.

Why does this happen?
The child forgets that he has been given something to do at home. The desktop is not kept in order. During classes, he is distracted by other things. The number of bad grades begins to grow, and he has no desire to go to school at all.

There is no definite answer to the question of why children do not want to study, even from elementary school. The fact is that each of them is individual, and they may have their own reasons. However, there are effective ways. Applying them regularly, you can get a child to want to get new knowledge.

Below we give some of the most popular reasons why children do not want to learn:

The child is too young. Today it is popular to send a baby to school from the age of 6. Until then, in kindergarten, he enrolls in developmental courses: But such a first-grader does not yet have the skills to sit quietly for the allotted amount of time and hold attention.
Teachers. You can’t blame the teacher for everything. But sometimes the interaction happens so that getting a bad grade, the child feels depressed and “bad”. To avoid this, before the first grade, parents should talk to the kid.Try to dispel all his fears about learning. After all, school, in the first place, is about gaining knowledge, not just good grades.
Pressure on your child. It can come both from his close environment and from teachers. The father and mother set the bar too high for the student. They don’t just send him to school, but at once for several courses. They take extra classes. Parents rarely consider their children’s opinions. Afraid to fail to meet expectations, the kid can shut down and completely lose the desire to do anything further.
What affects a child’s motivation to learn?
Interest. Make it clear that at every school lesson he will be told the necessary and useful information.

Perception. Some understand information better through sight, while others understand it better by hearing. We are all different. Therefore, parents should observe the child. It is possible that joint activities will be very fruitful.

Emotions. One type of motivation is emotional. This part of the child’s psyche is not yet stable enough. In this case, the task of parents will be to support the child in striving for new knowledge.

What mistakes can be made when trying to make a child study well?

If you tell a child that nothing good will come out of it, you can program it to fail, not only at school, but for life. It lowers his self-esteem. Makes him or her withdrawn and withdrawn.

Intimidation. This is even harder to deal with. Being in stress, the child can neither perceive information normally, nor analyze it correctly.
Gifts for grades. The method has a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, the habit of receiving gifts will develop very quickly. As a result, the child will try only if you promise to carry out this or that wish. Secondly, in this case a child is tuned not to study, that is, to receive new knowledge, but to receive gifts.
Constant success. In this case, there is a risk that the child will do everything in order to receive status in society and its approval, forgetting about the emotional side of the issue.
A lot of additional sections and circles. Children get tired quite quickly when they need to keep their attention focused and constantly receive new information. Do not plan your child’s schedule as tightly as possible. He just won’t have time to rest.
For your baby to do well in school, try working through school knowledge in the form of a game. Rhyme the school rules, turning them into fun poems. Repeat exercises in the form of a game, provoke a competitive spirit.

Support your child’s hobbies. Do not impose what you like. Let your child decide what he is most interested in.

If awards are given, they should be small ones. Do not set the bar high in rewards and give gifts too often.

Be interested in your child’s knowledge, not his grades. After the day at school, ask what the child learned today. Discuss how he can put what he learned into practice. Grades are subjective, so try not to focus on A’s.
