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I always have a lot of questions in my letters, about where to start doing yoga, what to read, where to get strength for practice? In this article, I provide a comprehensive guide and answer frequently asked questions. You will learn everything you need to know before you start practicing what yoga is, if it is right for you, what you need to practice and how often to do it. And remember, even if you get into yoga for the wrong reasons, it still works!

Life doesn’t limit you in any way. You can have the whole universe if you agree to it. Sadhguru

In order to practice yoga, you need practically nothing but your body. Technically, you will need: a good mood, a yoga mat, and clothes that do not restrict movement. But in fact, if you practice at home on video, you don’t need all this. Yoga is done barefoot on any mat you have at home. If an active vinyasa is planned, feel free to wear a crop top and shorts. And if this is a lesson for relaxation, slow, then you can be a T-shirt and sweatpants. However, there is a belief among yogis that if you invest in a nice shape and a nice yoga mat, there is a chance that you will practice more often.

What you may need if you are serious:

yoga mat
Pair of yoga blocks
Yoga strap
Cushion or cushion for meditation
Comfortable clothes
Often times, yoga teachers suggest leaving your ego at the door, this includes also not being embarrassed by the clothes you wear. Wear what makes you feel good. Some teachers use additional equipment: belts, blocks, bolsters, blankets and chairs. Usually studios provide all this. And some teachers do not use additional equipment, in such cases you just need to come to class. Also now many actively teach yoga online. In this case, you will need a yoga mat, and if you wish, you can buy straps and blocks for yourself as needed.

Yoga is available to everyone, no matter what you look like, how old you are, how you dress, how much you weigh, what you do for a living, where you live or what religion you follow. But she also has contraindications. If you have an acute illness, or a recent injury that makes it difficult or even dangerous for you to practice. Please consult with your physician before starting. Also, if you are over 55 years old, not in shape and not flexible, start with yoga for beginners until you feel ready to move on to the intermediate level. Never practice if you feel pain, discomfort, because pain is the body’s way of talking to us and a sign to back off.

Yoga has so many benefits, how can it help?

improves muscle and joint health
improves sleep
reduces injury in any other sport
helps to recover after strength training
prevents diabetes, heart disease and autoimmune diseases
slows down the negative effects of office life
there is a feeling of happiness and well-being.
improves flexibility, strength, endurance, mobility, range of motion and balance
improves immunity
relieves depression
relieves back pain
Yoga is both a spiritual and physical practice, but yoga is also a discipline that will help you relieve stress, relax and feel healthier, lighter, more energetic.

And of course the best way to find out if yoga is right for you is to just try it. To get started, you can visit a few nearby yoga studios, chat with different instructors, or try online classes. Now on Skype you can contact any instructor, me too, and sign up for an individual lesson.

However, if you are recovering from an injury, or if your health is poor, I recommend that you see a doctor before practicing.

Any yoga practice in a studio is like going to a class at school: come early, don’t wear perfume, don’t interrupt the instructor during the practice. Questions are welcome before practice or at the end of the lesson. If you practice at home on video, then the preparation is up to you. I can only recommend that it be quiet, that no one distracts you, that you do not injure yourself by accident, and that you do not overstep your limits. Also, if you started to study by video, start with short, easy lessons for 30 minutes, and gradually increase both the time and complexity of the lessons.

Each instructor has their own approach to teaching. Some pay more attention to physical postures, others to meditation, others to breathing techniques. Your experience from one instructor to another can vary greatly. All are unique and present and understand yoga in their own way. So don’t be discouraged if you don’t like one instructor, it doesn’t mean you don’t like yoga. Yoga practice is a space where you feel calm and in the instructor’s caring hands, without judgment, without ego. Don’t worry if something doesn’t work out well at the beginning. Don’t try to keep up with everyone, especially the teacher. After all, he may have experience of five, ten years of daily practice and work. Just move at your own pace and rhythm. The main thing is to follow clear instructions and tips on alignment and posture in asanas.

Yoga is not cardio. Therefore, this is not the best way to lose weight. However, this is a full body workout and it will make you work hard, sweat, and in some cases be exhaustingly hard. Its power lies in toning your muscles through complex physical postures. And of course, the overall health is changing. If you combine practice with proper nutrition, you may even notice visual improvements in your body and condition, due to increased flexibility, relaxation and awareness of your own body.

If you have never practiced yoga, then choose hatha yoga or hatha yoga for beginners. Unlike other types of yoga, it is given at a moderate pace so that no one is left behind, paying more attention to asana adjustments. But of course, it all depends on the teacher.

If you are over 55, then choose hatha yoga for the elderly, usually they give a lot of warm-up exercises with elements of joint gymnastics. If you consider yourself not very flexible, don’t be discouraged! You just need a little more time to build up, and over time, the results will be, they will not keep you waiting. At least I guarantee you excellent health!

And if you are already in good shape, and you can easily get quite complex elements in yoga, then practice strength directions, vinyasa yoga.

Practicing yoga in the studio is always an atmosphere. And pluses: music, incense, large space, no one distracts, the instructor can always rebuild and support. Lessons take from one to two hours, depending on the class. Number of people from 2 or more. Most studios make a schedule that allows you to choose classes, directions and times at which it is convenient for you to practice. And of course, depending on your level of preparation, you will be helped to choose the direction in which you will be comfortable. Most instructors show adaptive variations of asanas if you are having trouble doing it. Experienced instructors also talk about the benefits of some of the asanas you practice in class.

If you have time to practice 3 times a week, you will quickly notice results in the areas of flexibility, increased range of motion, strength, balance, ability to cope with stress, sleep quality, and overall well-being. Ideally, I recommend practicing for 20 to 40 minutes in total so that you get 3-4 hours per week. Doing yoga less will also help, but you will see small improvements over a longer period of time. Of course, everyone’s body is different, so the time spent on yoga is relative to your progress. If you join, and you really like yoga, then you can gradually move on to daily regular practices. Like everything related to fitness, with sports, the more time you put in, the better results you will get.
