Education – news

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What is attention

If a person with the same intensity perceived all the information coming from the outside world including, then his brain would resemble a beehive, and his actions would be chaotic. Wise nature gave us the most valuable quality – attention. This is the ability to selectively concentrate on things that are important at the […]

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How to determine the chronotype of a child

In children, two main chronotypes are most often expressed: “owl” and “lark”. At an early age, it is difficult to determine the individual chronotype and read The peculiarity of children’s biorhythms is such that the time of getting up in the morning is usually not very dependent on the time of going to bed. […]

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Math homework reminder

Read a and textbook, a paragraph that describes the topic being studied, even if the topic is not new. Learn the rules, definitions in this paragraph in bold or in the box. Look at the class work in the workbook: what topic was studied, what tasks were performed, look at the algorithms for completing […]

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How to instill in your child a desire to learn

Nothing new has come up in the world. This is especially true for relationships with children and Parents basically repeat the same pattern of behavior that was inherent in their parents. And woe to those children whose father or mother at one time did not live normally at some stage, some problems inherent in […]

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Major Obstacles Faced by Learners of Meditation

Obstacle one: no time to It is often difficult to find time to practice. But in fact, meditation is a great time saver. Just 10 minutes in the morning will make you much more focused and your actions more efficient thanks to your attention management skills. A calm mind helps you make the right […]

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Yoga for beginners: the basics of practice

Yoga for beginners is the first step in learning yoga. At this stage, the beginner gets acquainted with the basic principles of yoga, learns the basics of breathing techniques and learns the simplest asanas. We list the basic rules of yoga that relate to the organization of training: Yoga exercises are performed on an […]

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Bilingual children have special cognitive abilities

If a child learns to speak several languages ​​from childhood and read, this provides many benefits for the development of his brain. For example: cognitive skills improve – thinking, spatial orientation, understanding, learning, speech, ability to reason; there are more opportunities for communication, learning and achievements in life; higher IQ; in old age, dementia […]

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Psychology of child development: what fears are considered normal in childhood?

For a child, and the outside world around him is interesting, magical, exciting, but at the same time, and in many ways incomprehensible, dangerous, scary. That is why fear and anxiety in childhood are not uncommon, but if they are moderate, they contribute to the adaptation of the child. A serious problem arises when […]

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Bilingual education: features and benefits

Is it really easy to raise a bilingual? Practical advice. More than half of people in the world are bilingual, that is, they can communicate in several languages. Many of them are the so-called balanced bilinguals, they learned a second (sometimes even a third) language in childhood, immersed in communication with native speakers and becoming […]

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Go to school with pleasure

How to properly set up a child to study and cogat test grade 1? Can the 1st of September be made a holiday? How important is it to choose a hobby for a student? Does it make sense to follow the regime? Over the summer, the child managed to forget a lot of what he […]